News22 August 2022

General Bytes Crypto ATMs hacked with zero-day bug


Hackers have managed to make sure that all the crypto they load into an ATM is transferred to their wallets.

Famous in the industry, cryptocurrency ATM maker, General Bytes, has been compromised with a 'zero-day attack'. 

Through such a hack, hackers made themselves the default administrators of the system, which in turn enabled them to substitute their addresses to receive the funds loaded into the crypto ATM.

At the moment, the number of crypto ATMs compromised and the amount the hackers managed to steal has not been disclosed. So far all that is known is that the company has urged crypto ATM operators to update their software.

General Bytes has urged customers to refrain from using General Bytes ATM servers until they have updated their server to patch versions 20220725.22 and 20220531.38 for customers running 20220531. In short, if you use it, upgrade and wait :D.


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