News19 July 2022

FBI warns of fake cryptocurrency apps


Yesterday, the Federal Bureau issued guidance on the case of fake apps that aim at stealing users' assets.

Currently, more than $40 million has been stolen using such scams. According to information intelligence agencies and securities agencies, cybercriminals are creating look-alike applications that replicate legitimate cryptocurrency companies' design and identity information.

It's no secret that such pseudo-companies are designed just to take your money; about 244 people have been affected so far, but the numbers are growing. According directly to the cases, one fake app used the logo of an American cryptocurrency company and then offered to fund the account. The FBI still hasn't disclosed what company was affected by such fake apps.

Using the same scheme, the scammers operated under the name "Yibit", at least 4 people were deceived, but for as much as $5.5 million. 

We should also mention for you, dear reader, cold wallet apps like Trezor and Ledger should never be downloaded anywhere other than official resources, one user once said goodbye to his crypto because he downloaded "Ledger Live Plus" app from Microsoft store.

Ideally, you should not buy cold wallets even from official resellers, only from official website of the wallet, because corrupted software can also make you lose your crypto.

To sum it up, we just want to say, don't download crypto exchanges, crypto wallets and so on apps from crawling ads, and don't trust various messengers spam and other unofficial sources.


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