News01 September 2022

Blockchain will create a revolution in the world of movies and content consumption


DVD stores are a thing of the past, and almost everything we buy online, so blockchain proposes changing the philosophy of consuming and purchase content.

Over the past few years, especially after the 2020 quarantine, we have seen an active war of streaming services. In fact, it has replaced precisely the same competition between offline outlets selling DVDs and cassettes.

Blockchain, with its decentralization, offers a slightly different approach and more depth in content consumption. In this model, we see the Web-3 image of the new Internet in its purest form. Fans will not only be able to view movies. Still, they will also be able to directly support creators by owning movie nodes and NFTs. Also, the creative license granted will allow authors and users to change the philosophy of absorbing and creating content.

It sounds complicated, but in practice, it's easier. So far, Gala Film is in the market with such an idea. It's already working with some of the big players, and it's planning to create its Web-3 entertainment ecosystem on blockchain.

It sounds cool, but it's only a matter of time before we can fully immerse ourselves in the Web-3 world.


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