Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #447, 22 April 2022

Algoritical Stable Income Justin Sun


Hey Moni Maker 🌞

Today is Earth Day! And the whole Earth is celebrating Earth Day. We've written many times before that as much as we're passionate about technology, we absolutely MUST protect the environment. Otherwise, we will shit everything in one day, and there will be no place to apply these technologies. There will be nowhere to use it. 

Let's go!


Justin *Announcement-30%* Sun launches USDD

First, Tron was the "Ethereum killer". Now it's the "destroyer of Terra". So...

Justin Sun announced yesterday Tron DAO would launch a UST competitor, USDD, on 5 May. Yes, yes, another 'D' in the name indicates 'decentralisation', heh. The reason? The Sun is worried about fe USDT, which is actively being used on the Tron blockchain. He says, what if there is no big deal, but we have our Stablecoin, look! 

Twitter already laughed, like, "Terra has to farm USDD at 30% to subsidise its 20%." 

That's how it is. How's it going for you? 


Der Bitkoin is now also in Germany

News from the world of wasting info, but here's a beer. One of Germany's largest banks, Commerzbank, has confirmed that it has applied for a cryptocurrency licence in the first quarter of this year.

CBK is Germany's second-largest listed bank and is partly state-owned. German merchants are already busy sawing off crypto-based products to make all customers happy.

At the same time, the German government promised to encourage such an initiative, of course, after getting a license from BaFin, the local financial regulator. 

Mass Adoptshen at Oktorfest!



IDO (Initial DEX Offering) is a fundraising event that is conducted in decentralised fashion. Usually startups raise funds and after that adding liquidity to DEX pool, for example on Uniswap or SushiSwap.

And more you can find in our Glossary!



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