Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #652, 15 December 2022

MetaMask will PayPal us


Hey Moni Maker 💰

Today is International Tea Day! Tbh, it's funny to watch humanity. Like, people always love to argue about everything they see! Coffee or tea? Defi or NFT? Gold or Bitcoin?...

That's why we wish you never argue to save the energy to build, not waste. You will win! Otherwise, why are you here? 

Let's go! 

MetaMask a PayPal fren till now. What's up?

Decentralized wallet partners with a centralised financial system. Hm…Let toxic jokes go away; let's move to the point.

ConsenSys, the MetaMask father company, partnered with PayPal to let some select American users buy and sell Ethereum via the PP platform. Ok, now we should provide the quote from the PayPal tweet to increase this text in terms of intellectual content: 

"This integration with PayPal will allow our U.S. users to not just buy crypto seamlessly through MetaMask, but also to easily explore the Web3 ecosystem."

So what? 

From one side of view, you can always blame such partnerships for killing the idea of decentralisation. But crypto s f@cuked up now, so an extensive partnership with the most significant financial system in the USA is a great reason never to bury crypto again. Big boys came; why should we leave? 



FUD - Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) — is the spread of deliberately false, or simply negative news and facts, in order to tarnish the reputation of the project.

And more you can find in our Glossary!    


meme of the DAY    

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