Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #97, 09 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City Medicine. Edition #97

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Gem City Doctors urge citizens to take care of their health. The last report shows that crypto brings good profits, but can hurt. Doctors advised doing physical exercises every day, eat healthy food and relax more often. It's Friday, anyway!

Our Telegram and Twitter will never relax. They'll do everything for you and find some great gems fast. Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Pera Finance listing - 11 AM UTC;

2️⃣ OpenOcean IDO on PolkaStarter.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Polytrade IDO WL on PolkaStarter - up to 14.07;

2️⃣ Bunicorn IDO WL on Poolz - up to 20.07.

Alpha, let's launch!

ok, let's go

Digest, ok. We start here!

Alpha Finance Lab is a lab for researching and innovating in DeFi. And now it's going to launch its first incubated project named Beta Finance @beta_finance. Highlights:

Beta Finance aims to offset crypto volatility and brings about market stability through a short-selling tool coupled with a permissionless money market.

With Beta Finance, DeFi users will be able to short any crypto asset with just a click of a button. Beta will borrow tokens users looking to short on Beta money markets and carry out the short position for users. On the other hand, holders of any crypto tokens may create a money market on Beta to lend and get high lending APYs in return.

Check the Medium post to get some more. AMA details + announcement details are there. They are waiting for you. And we continue!

Are you a HAI hodler? Yes?! Great!

Hacken, show some exclusive!

Because Hacken will be holding an exclusive round for HAI token hodlers. Users will be able to get PureFi tokens. PureFi is a DeFi project that launched recently at the Hacken Foundation.

Let's understand what an HAI round is. It's a presale round of projects from Hacken that you can dive into with your HAI tokens. It's kind of like a private round, only with HAI tokens. With oversubscription feature. Ok, let us explain everything.

At this sale, PureFi will cost $ 0.04 and 10% you will get on TGE. Then the other vested 90% unlocks for 5 months. What else do you need to know?

- The day before the start of the sale, the price of HAI token is fixed! And the equivalent is tied to $UF price. So if HAI this day will cost $ 0.4, then for 1 token you can get 10 UFI. This is at the initial price of the UFI at $ 0.04.

- On the day of the sale itself, the guys will open HAI collecting pool. Everyone will start to put tokens there. The minimum amount you can throw in is 5,000 $HAI. The maximum is 500,000.

- On the last day of the sale guys will count HAI, and distribute UFI. And here's where the oversubscription comes in. For example, 8m $HAI tokens will be thrown into the pool. It’s 20 times more than necessary. So, if you put in 20,000 HAI, you will receive tokens for 1000 HAI. The rest of the tokens will come back to your wallet. Easy!

Start: July 13;

Period: 2 weeks. That is, 14 days;

Total number of tokens: 100 million UFIs;

Sale: 23.5% of tokens;

IMPORTANT: HAI hodlers must send exactly VeChain HAI tokens from the HackenAI wallet. Nothing else. Ok?

Well, here's the link again. Check it. The link? Here!

NFT airdrop

good one or not?

TokenBrice.xyz is conductiong an airdrop! Conditions:

Hold 2500 veCRV

Hold 5000


Stake 2500 CVX or 5000 cvxCRV

Historic LP provider at Curve

Here is the link!

Wait for Liquidifty boom!


Do you remember this event from Liquidifty? You could spend only $10 and get Crypto Punk or other cool NFT.

So, all 10 000 items are sold! Soon they will be opened. Cross your fingers, #Moni Makers!

🧐 How do you get people to do DYOR?


Really hard. Really. Do you think such a landing would stop people from spending money on scams? Or not?

Stake, Govern, Earn.

Join testnet

What doest xx_network say about itself? "Communicate and exchange value on your smartphone. Quantum secure, quick, and private." (c)

This July they'll launch the testnet! Ok, we wait.



Blocto - Discover Blockchain Apps will conduct its community sale soon, July 13! Highlights:

Period: July 13th, 2021 — July 15th

Sale Details

Ticker: BLT

Token Type: Flow Fungible Token

Official $BLT token contract address

Sale Price: $0.1 USD / $BLT

Sale Term: Locked for 6 months. Linear vesting 1/18 each month starting from month 7th to month 24th (The same as private sale term)

Allocation: 5,000,000 locked $BLT (1% of genesis total token supply)

Maximum Purchase Amount per Account/Address: 1,000 tUSDT

Payment Method: tUSDT (How to get tUSDT?)

Sale Type: 3-tier serving mechanism (More details will be illustrated below)

Timeline + Rules are here, fell free to check it!


See you later!

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