Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #129, 23 August 2021

Degen Stuff: Make Crypto easy for everyone! Edition №129

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City University released online courses for children. These educational courses will tell pupils everything about NFT, farming, and staking. Pupils will be able to but these courses 1st of September.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter and you will get all knowledges fast! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Kryptomon;

2️⃣ ChillFrogs NFT.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Unvest IDO on Cardstarter Registration begins August 24th @3PM UTC;

2️⃣ CoinsPAD WL - up to 31.08.

No party anymore

Go home please

Digest meets you!

And let's start this Digest from the Soteria news:

We are deprecating Soteria as stated here in this tweet on 2021/08/27 10:00 UTC.

Please withdraw your funds in BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT from https://soteriacurrency.app/

We will not support USDS after 2021/08/27 10:00 UTC.

And we continue!

Carefully, technical reading!


Lyra Finance, the first full AMM Options for DeFi. AMM Lyra actively hedges the delta risk incurred in LPs by making spot markets in DeFi for the underlying asset. Vega risk (volatility) is quantified and forms the basis of the fee structure to stimulate risk-mitigating trades. These innovations increase alpha and sharpe AMM.

More details can be found in the official document of the project. In a long cycle, an increase in Alpha results in more liquidity, more volume movement, and more reward for the protocol.

Stay tuned for updates on the Lyra blog and on our Twitter.

Do you love social experiments?


Okay. Sorry for such short comments, but...should we make the same experiment with toilet paper?

Get your skis ready for the mountains!

Avalanche is waiting

Here you will find some useful links to know Avalanche better. We just translated this post from Russian to English, so what?

1) Official guide;2) Blockchain explorer;3) Bridge (ETH<->AVAX):4) Pangolin(Uniswap from the Avalanche world);6) DEX + lending + farming;7) Yield farming protocol;8) Charts;9) DeFi dashboard;10) Launchpad;All AVAX coins' ecosystems.

DAO more more DAO

dao is a new dao

ParallelNFT makes its own DAO! Ok, not a DAO, but an analogue called Paradox.

Reminder - paradox is not a DAO and you need 60% approval to pass for the team to look at and respond, time interval not set yet on response as we are still building aggressively! (c)

Cool NFT tool

Gem as always?

Our Gem Hunters from Spacemind just brought us a new gem! Oncyber will help you to create your own gallery.

The easiest way for artists and collectors to show their NFTs in fully immersive experiences, for free. (c) Don't forget about DYOR, please. Ok?

Stone Justinge


Well. Justin Sun just spent $500k on the stone. NFT. NFT stone.No comments.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff