Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #108, 24 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Why you should ignore airdrops? Edition #108

With SpacemindShare

Hey, Moni Maker

Today, Gem City Hall urged people to ignore gems they receive without DYOR. As Gew Police stated, Banker Gans is trying to scam citizens. Be aware!

Our Telegram and Twitter will bring you the best gems! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ DinoX SHO on DAO Maker

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Lithium Finance IDO Polkastarter - up to 29.07;

2️⃣ Polkaplay IDO on MoonStarter - up to 01.08.

Ribbon x2

Vaults for Fallout Boys!

Digest, let's go-go-go!

Ribbon has doubled the capacity of the Ribbon Vaults across the board. So now more people can join this project.

1) ETH Covered Call capacity from 12,500 ETH → 25,000 ETH

2) WBTC Covered Call capacity from 625 WBTC → 1,250 WBTC

3) USDC ETH Put Selling capacity from 25m USDC → 50m USDC

4) yvUSDC ETH Put Selling capacity from 10m USDC → 20m USDC

Also, they are reducing the exit fee from the ETH Put Selling Vault from 2% → 1%.

Check the post here! And we continue!

Cronje is speaking

Yup Yup Yup

Hm...new token?! Wen YFI 2.0?!


wowo that's new? no

The attacker has already airdropped it to 76k+ accounts and it’s not stopping. That’s a lot of gas fees he’s paying. It must be working. (c)

Please, be careful!

Dinosaurs Are Alive

As NFTs ofc

Mint, explore, and swap NFTs for a fraction of Ethereum mainnet costs. zkSync's zkRollup makes transactions fast, cheap, and secure. (c) Says the Dinosaur NFT website. zkNFT!

So use at your own risk. DYOR!

Uniswap BAN


The app.uniswap.org website is now censoring tokens that are potentially unfavorable to regulators

This includes @synthetix_io synths/inverse synths, @UMAprotocol option tokens, @mirror_protocol mirrored tokens, @opyn_ insurance tokens, gold @Tether_to, and other tokens (c)


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff