Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #101, 15 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem fallout! Edition #101

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Gem City Hall will discuss the Nuclear War possibility. Some media tell Bank City is going to test its new bombs, that's why every citizen should play Fallout once again to remember how to survive in such a situation. Be sure, Gem Army will not let Bank City Army hurt citizens, but be ready for everything anyway.

Our Telegram and Twitter will bring you gems even if there is a Nuclear War. And they'll do it faster than the bomb reaches your home, because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ DinoSwap Farming.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ CoinBurn IDO on PolkaStarter WL - up to 22.07;

2️⃣ Vent SHO on DAO MAker WL - begins in 19.07.

Scandals are the HYPE

Uniswap in the center

This Digest shdoul be started here.

As you can see in the tweet, 50% of allocated funds fro DeFi Education was liquidated. Crypto Twitter Streets whisper not good things about Adams and his project.

We hope that this occasion will be resolved, really. And we continue!

Santa Delta Claus!

It's summer!...anyway

Guys from DeltaTheta have chosen KYC $DLTA winners. Maybe you are lucky?

And we have a question. What are you doing on the 16th of July?

More specifically, July 16 at 11 UTC. Nothing?! Ha! You are a liar.

We know you'll be at the listing of Delta.Theta. It will take place on Gate, MEXC Global, Uniswap and PancakeSwap.

And today we'll post something cool together with Delta :)

Cool artists, cool NFT

Just Hirst!

Damien Hirst is entering the NFT space! Famous British artist released his art here

You have nearly 6 days to apply for this work. Wanna?

Polygon, it's a reality!

sry bro

Yup, it happened. Polygon met its first FlashLoad attacks. Get the proofs here.

Did you get your NFT?

Liquidifty, we need more :(

All cool NFT from the contest of Liquidifty are received! It's really pitty we didn;t get Crypto Punk or something like that. We hope one day we'll see the same contest and win!

What NFT did you get? Please, tell us!

But Polygon has good news too!

Oh, really? Really!

Check the pools. Yup, Polygon on Balancer here!

As always, DYOR!

Clover give me paper

Get luuuuckyyyy

Clover will send $CLV tokens to 3 users and qualified private investors soon.

Are you Clover?

Axie hypes

10x pancake

This NFT games called Axie Infinity will probably become our new home!

Also, you can check our Digest, there one bro told he made more than $20k on Axie lands.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff