Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #15, 09 November 2021

WTF is NFT: All over the country. Edition №15


Hey Moni Maker

Respect, Moni Maker and a passionate NFT enthusiast. Ugh, I'm gonna tell you something that's gonna f@cking rock. NFT is our home, even though we're crypto...get this punchline?! All right, all jokes aside, keep your ears open.

Jpeg is coursing through your veins!

Market this week

Watch your hands

lights, camera, action

movie 1337

In anticipation of the release of "The Matrix: Resurrection" on November 22, Warner Bros. will release a collection of 100,000 NFTs based on the film. That's interesting! And as early as December, you can choose to stay in the Matrix or side with the resistance. The choice is yours. The red pill or the blue pill? Both, come on...

Quentin, Quentin. And Tarantino is also a smart guy and will release the seven deleted scenes from Pulp Fiction and the original handwritten script of the movie. What a Basterd you are, Quentin, an Inglourious Basterd. Viva!

MetaMask is MetaNFT now

OK, just added EIP 1155

Let us just copy the tweet;

NFT buzz

let's c

Cosmic Labs https://opensea.io/collection/cosmiclabs Space ducks, token.

Divine Anarchy https://opensea.io/collection/divineanarchy Factions, epic battles for sovereignty, governance, and glory.

BearXLabs https://opensea.io/collection/bearxlabs This project is designed to be fun, and that's what drives it.



Oh, my drop-hunter and gem-master. Dive into the chat and tell what fresh NFT drops you know! Or old ones that you got pumped, gut?

And leave a Digest feedback too! Otherwise all your jpeg will turn into png :) See you!


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