Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #265, 19 July 2021

There's bitcoin, why cosmetics?

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Hey #Moni Maker 👘

Today, in 2003, the world's first tongue transplant was successfully performed. You have to agree, sometimes you really wish people would learn how to transplant brains. But then you remember that there are fewer and fewer cool donors left.

Read Moni Talks to keep your brain working to the envy of everyone around you. Let's go!

Powder your nose with bitcoin

No, we're talking about... never mind

The billion-dollar beauty industry has taken a recent interest in Bitcoin. Ann McFerran, CEO and founder of Glamnetic — a magnetic eyelash beauty brand — told Cointelegraph that the company now accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH) and Dogecoin (DOGE) through a recent partnership with Bitcoin payment provider BitPay. According to McFerran, Glamentic is one of the very first female-founded beauty brands to support crypto payments.

McFerran shared that she started investing in cryptocurrencies in 2017, yet noticed that the space was heavily male-dominated. To McFerran’s point, research firm BDC Consulting found that only 8% of all crypto users were women in 2019. After launching Glamentic in July 2019, McFerran was determined to incorporate crypto payments into the brand to encourage women to use cryptocurrency:

“The beauty industry is a sector where crypto payments aren’t widely accepted. I wanted Glamnetic to be one of the first brands to support crypto payments since I’m a huge believer in cryptocurrency and because I want to bring more women into the space.”

So what?

How can we describe it in two words? Cool feminism.

Limits are going up

PayPal wants MORE

Anyway, how’s your experience with PayPal crypto buying? Love it? Tell us more in our chat, please.

Yung China Yuan

Digital as me

China's central bank unveils first technical paper on digital yuan (e-CNY)

The Central Bank of China refers to e-CNY as the digital yuan. It is a hybrid financial instrument that has the status of a means of payment in the PRC.

The issuance and circulation of e-CNY will be the same as with the fiat yuan.

With the launch of e-CNY, the Central Bank of China expects to increase the availability of financial services in China, such as:

– foreign nationals will be able to open a digital wallet without opening a bank account, and it will be compatible with existing payment systems.

– the digital yuan is ready to be used in cross-border payments, but against the backdrop of the difficult international relations environment, the instrument is designed mainly for the domestic market.

– e-CNY supports anonymous transactions as long as they are small. Transfers of large amounts will be tracked.

The document refers to several types of digital wallets, depending on the "degree of identification of personal data" they have different limits per transaction and daily volume of transactions.

The least privileged accounts can be registered without providing proof of identity.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can open a digital wallet, they are subject to similar rules, and there is an opportunity to create several additional wallets, tied to the main one.

e-CNY will have support for smart contracts

📕 Glossary word

Learn, learn, learn!

IoT (Internet of Things) — is the technology that provides a data transmission network between physical objects (“things”) equipped with built-in means and technologies for interacting with each other or with the external environment.

And more you can find in our Glossary!

Meme of the Day 😄


And you...buy Bitcoin! 😉 (it's a good time!)


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