Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #94, 04 December 2020

Pool of Immortality


Hey #Moni Maker 👌

The Slavs celebrate "The Introduction" today - according to an old custom, this day shows what the rest of the winter will be like. We are not superstitious, but we look at the market and make a couple of notes for the next three months;) In the meantime, there's a digest to read!

Let’s go!

Title was immortalized


The oldest mining pool SlushPool added block 659678 to the network with the following text: "Reuters 01/Dec/2020 Dollar plummets on U.S. stimulus hopes; bitcoin hits all-time peak". Reuters article is about the weakening of the U.S. dollar, while bitcoin hits new highs.

This is a reference to Bitcoin's genesis block, signed by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi included The Times headline from January 3, 2009: Chancellor on the brink of second bailout for banks" The article was about how the British finance minister was forced to consider new measures to rescue banks in the economic crisis.

So what?

Hm, forum workers say that Satoshi was really "inspired" by the 2008 crisis, so he created Bitcoin. Looks like they don't lie!

Well, you see, all kinds of shit happens in life, but you have to look at it as Satoshi did. When the world is falling apart, just try and fix it, you know?

Do not be afraid of hardships; be like Satoshi.

Binance Lite and cryptocurrency

Binance mobile updates!

The Binance exchange presented an updated version of the mobile application called Binance Lite, which greatly simplifies the ability to use cryptocurrencies.

Long Story Short

— S&P Dow Jones Indices, a division of financial data provider S&P Global Inc., has published a statement about the crypto indices launch in 2021.

Meme of the day

And one more thing...Buy Bitcoin! 😉


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