Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #228, 03 June 2021

Rest in Peace, NFT Market (???)


Hey #Moni Maker 🔏

Today, Cycling Day is celebrated all over the world. What is Cycling? For some reason you go somewhere, pedal, they always try to knock you down, people throw themselves under the wheels ... oh, how it looks like our favorite crypto market! Some kind of madness, but we love it.

Sit on and drive off. Let’s go!


90% are zombies….

The NFT market fell by almost 90% over the month. This is evidenced by the report of the website Protos. The authors argue that the NFT bubble burst in four months.

– Token sales peaked on May 3;

– The most popular NFTs are collectible cards as like cryptopanks. In the week from May 26 to June 2, they were sold for $ 9.2 million, which is almost half of the entire market;

– The number of active NFT wallets fell by 70% - from 12 thousand at the peak to 3.9 thousand on June 2.

So what?

Would Binance open its own marketplace if things were so bad? Although not all-seers are sitting there either …

The market overheated and started to explode a little bit. Bitcoin, ETH, alts, NFT now. This is normal. Drink some water, go for a walk. Everything will work out :)

Google is no longer the enemy

Prepare your money!

Google is expanding the scope of advertising policies related to cryptocurrencies.

“Beginning August 3, advertisers offering Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Wallets targeting the United States may advertise those products and services when they meet the following requirements and are certified by Google.” (c) Google.

Here is the full text.

So what?

Thaw, comrades! THAW!

Although .. Google, on the Internet, they often swear that you are advertising an explicit scam in contextual advertising. Maybe you should look there too?

The bulls are still alive!

Don't you dare deny it, bastard !!!

Popular cryptanalyst and ardent supporter of Bitcoin's Stock to Flow model, PlanB believes that despite the biggest fall in May, we are still in a bull market.

Meme of the Day 😄


And you...buy Bitcoin! 😉 (it's a good time!)


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Another Stuff