Today, in 1967, the Outer Space Treaty, banning deployment of nuclear weapons in space, and limiting use of the Moon and other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes was concluded. We've talked a lot about space and the future lately, but we can't do without it. It's important to look ahead and think everything through. Moni Talks will help you with that...
Letโs go!
The price of BTC reached a turning point from which most investors will be forced to fix losses instead of fixing profits.
This was written by Glassnode analysts based on their own metric SOPR (Spent Output Profit Ratio).
SOPR reflects data on spent outputs and is calculated as the ratio of the sales price V.S. the price at the time the coins were deposited into wallets.
Normally the SOPR fluctuates around 1, but as a result of bitcoin's vertical rise since late last year, it has reached values above 1.25. At the same time, values below 1 do not persist in a bull market because investors are unwilling to sell at a loss.
Glassnode says it has been waiting for this moment as a confirmation of the market stabilization necessary to continue the rise.
"The chart above suggests that the current correction is coming to an end, providing a bullish signal," the report says.
Well, you can't ride each and every wave, you have to know the limit, don't you?\
Let the correction be done.
Bitcoin will rise soon. It's not your paycheck, after all.
Extremely interesting and revealing story. Though not crypto.
Reddit users conspired against hedge funds shorting GameStop retail stock.
They began buying up the game company's stock in droves, and in doing so, raised the price by more than 300%. Investment companies lost billions of dollars.
What's that they say about the 4th tech revolution?! That's how the Redditors are gonna mess all the monopolies up.
Beyond Meat shares rose 37% after the company merged with PepsiCo to make plant-based snacks and beverages.
By the way, you can trade tokenized Beyond Meat shares on FTX.
Guys at continue to prepare for the launch of their terminal.
Theyโve partnered with Insured Finance, so traders can insure themselves against possible losses.
And one more thing...Buy Bitcoin! ๐