Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #172, 16 March 2021

India VS Crypto: Round 10,000


Hey #Moni Maker ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Today, in 1565, the Philippines and Spain performed Sandugo - a peace treaty of sorts. Do you think crypto enthusiasts can end up performing a Sandugo with traditional instirutions and bankers? And do we need one? We suggest we leave the question open for now and move on to the latest news

Letโ€™s go!

India bans crypto

What!?! Airdrops too?!?

The Indian government is preparing a bill that would ban cryptocurrencies in the country. This was reported by Reuters, citing a senior official.

According to the agency, the document would criminalize the holding, issue, receipt, trade and transfer of digital money.

If the bill is introduced, cryptocurrency holders will have six months to liquidate their assets. Failure to do so would result in fines. India could become the first major economy to make cryptocurrency trafficking illegal.

So what?

Banning cryptocurrency is a real shot in the foot... With a Fat Man (the one from Fallout 3).

Banning cryptocurrencies is like banning electricity in the 19th century.

Ladies and Gentlemen of India, brace yourselves, we are with you.

Hackers got the sweets

Baby, aren't you going to burst?

PancakeSwap and CreamFinance sites got hacked and DNS servers replaced. When you connect your wallet, you'll be asked to enter your seed phrase! Donโ€™t do that!

Refrain from using the service until the problem is resolved.

You can follow the updates on Twitter.

Over $2.2 billion were liquidated in 24 hours

Let it burn!

After the rapid fall of BTC, $2.24 billion worth of positions were liquidated in the last 24 hours, most of those positions were long.

Returns on various assets over the past 10 years

Bitcoin is here too

Where did we get it? Here!

Meme of the Day ๐Ÿ˜„

We feel it!

And you...buy Bitcoin! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Another Stuff