Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #199, 22 April 2021

A hacker must go to jail!


Hey #Moni Maker 🕋

Today, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. Indeed, we must protect the place in which we live. For example, stop cutting down trees and print fiat, and switch to crypto :)

Okay, let's go through the news, there are a lot of interesting things!

Let’s go!

Hackers assholes :(


The hackers were able to withdraw over $ 6 million from the liquidity pools of the EasyFi landing protocol, which uses second-tier solutions from Matic Network (now Polygon).

Uniswap got fat


Weekly trading volume on Uniswap exceeded $ 10 billion for the first time!

Uniswap creator Hayden Adams wrote about this on Twitter: “The weekly trading volume exceeded $ 10 billion for the first time !!! $ 10 billion a week is more than $ 0.5 trillion a year."

Uniswap also announced the successful deployment of Uniswap V3 contracts across all Ethereum testnets - Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan, and Goerli. So the official launch of Uniswap V3 is just around the corner.

Venmo goes CRYPTO


PayPal's payment service Venmo, with a total audience of about 70 million people, has announced support for buying, selling and storing cryptocurrencies using the Venmo app.

WeWork goes for Venmo

work for blockchain

WeWork, a provider of flexible workspaces for startups, is starting to use cryptocurrencies as a means of payment and keep it on its balance sheet.

This will be possible thanks to BitPay and Coinbase. BitPay will accept BTC, ETH, USDC and PAX stablecoins, as well as other assets. Whenever possible, digital assets will be used for settlements with property owners and third-party partners through Coinbase. Moreover, the company intends to keep the received cryptocurrency on the balance sheet.

Meme of the Day 😄


And you...buy Bitcoin! 😉


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Another Stuff