Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #620, 27 October 2022

Elon Musk carries the sink and beats Apple


Hey Moni Maker 😈

Today is National American Beer Day. Ofc, German beer has moved all beers to the "nohype place"... but we're not talking about alcohol right now, okay? Let's go back to crypto. 

There are a lot of crypto projects that missed the hype wave despite our industry being still very small and empty. But these projects are useful and bring a lot of value to the community. So...contribute to them plz when you have some time resting of profits, ok? Crypto is our house. And this house should be taken care of.

Let's go! 

Elon Musk brings the sink to Twitter and also fights Apple

Previously on Twitter Drama: Mr Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter, but then he started saying you, the Twitter management, have a lot of bots, and you lie about how many; I won't buy until I know how many. Please give me a discount; $ 44 billion is too much; give me a discount because there are a lot of bots on Twitter. 

Episode 69, season 420: Elon Musk posted a video yesterday where he walks into the Twitter office with a sink as a CHAD. He will have the deal finalised by this Friday, after all. 

The sink in Musk's hands is the epitome of the expression "let that sink in". Looks like that.

So: But no, that's not the end of it. Elon Musk also scolded Apple for not rolling out an updated version of Spotify with audiobooks. Well, 30% commission in web3 apps is costly

What's the point: Twitter streets are whispering that Musk's purchase of the social network before the U.S. election could very well affect this election. And where there are jumps in the election, there are jumps in stocks and crypto. We are waiting for volatility. And a sweep of the bots, too, you promised, Elon! We've forgiven you enough as it is... 


Comeback / Arthur Hayes predicts bull run

Yes! The news essay from our beloved Arthur. Topics: Bull run, China, Singapore and Hong Kong. How their relationships affect crypto? 

Check it here 


– Chinese exchanges brought a lot of to crypto. We can't say the same bout American ones 

– China could become a crypto-hub, and repressions didn't let this happen 

– Hong Kong is a middleman between the Western World and China. As Hong Kong will legalize crypto, Chinese investors can buy crypto... 

–... so the bull run will happen then. 



Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) — is the spread of deliberately false, or simply negative news and facts, in order to tarnish the reputation of the project.

And more you can find in our Glossary!  


Some more news?!

– 10% of women choose cryptocurrency as their first investment

– The NEAR Foundation has announced $40 million for the "USN Protection Program

– Apple updates rules for crypto apps on App Store

– Nokia believes that metaverses will replace smartphones


meme of the DAY      

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