Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #96, 08 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Spacemind Gem Shuttle. Edition #96

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Spacemind aka Black Unicorn Shuttle will land in Gem City to have a great conversation with Moni Talks! We'll be discussing gems, gems, and gems. You have to be there at 15:00 UTC, you can't miss it, no way. But notice, that we'll speak Russian only. For now :)

Our Telegram and Twitter will cover this event too. Join!

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ QREDO sale on Coinlist 17:00 UTC;

2️⃣ DeversiFi Launching;

3️⃣ RealFevr IDO on PolkaStarter.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Polytrade IDO WL on PolkaStarter - up to 14.07;

2️⃣ Bunicorn IDO WL on Poolz - up to 20.07.

No Binance Ban. We have NFT

CZ wanan become NFT too?

Digest, let's go!

Someone made a bid of 88k BUSD for this Binance NFT. As you see, some 10 people will receive it as airdrop. Here rules:


Okay, NFT collector. Binance NFTs are cool. But what about real NFT hustle?:)

D Mefi, what did you do?!

NFT Digest!

Yes. We're serious. Moni Talks launches its third digest. NFT one. No, we're not robots. No, we don't use stimulants. Do we sleep? It happens.

All right, let's get to it. We have a new addition to our team! You will now be reading weekly NFT digests from D Mefi. Pretty cool, huh?!

Here is the link. Check it, many gems are there!

Janky Heist


DYOR on such cool NFT event! Highlights:

9,240 unique NFTs ripped off from Christie’s NYC go up for sale in a format inspired by a reverse Japanese auction starting July 13th at 4:00 PM ET. Each one-of-a-kind NFT is created by an automated recombination algorithm and registered on the Ethereum blockchain.


Janky & Guggimon have assembled 9,240 one-of-a-kind CryptoJanky NFTs using an algorithm that combines heads, bodies, and kicks taken from the 22 original broken NFTs they boosted from Christie’s. No two recombined NFTs are alike. They’re all fucking OG & 🔥AF.

All recombined Janky Heist NFTs are sold in a format inspired by a reverse Japanese auction mechanics, which means that the price of all NFTs automatically goes DOWN every 24 hours at 4:00PM ET until the auctions ends on July 22 — or until everything sells out!

Janky & Guggimon got lit and set the initial price for all NFTs in the drop at $2500 . However, this price will automatically go DOWN every 24 hours at noon for ten days, until the auction ends on July 22! You’ll get a better price by waiting longer, but you risk losing out on the NFT you want if everything sells out.

Check more here, if you are interested. And come back!

Europe or USA?

No trips here

Delta.theta decided to tell you about American and Europian options. Highlights:

American options are the kind of options that delta.theta uses, they can be executed by the buyer at any time from the time of purchase until the expiration date.

European options, unlike American ones, can be executed by the buyer only at the expiration date.

European - derebit, okex, binance

American - hegic, finnexus, opyn

Follow Delta on TG to get such interesting things more often.

Sushi is going to NFT?

D Mefi, are you ready?

Sushi will make a NFT marketplace?!

"We are looking to create an NFT platform that focuses on artists and creators needs to push the space forward. Current NFTs are limited by file format and sizing for artist and their creative abilities. Design wise we want the platform to be beautiful, functional and have that Japanese sensibility and aesthetic. We want artists and creators to be able to create NFTs that they are unable to make on other platforms. For collectors a beautiful place to curate and showcase their digital art. "

Check more here, ok.

🎤 Ask anything you want!


We'll conduct an AMA today at 17:00 UTC with guys from Gutter Cat Gang.

Right in this chat. And yes!

The best question will get $100. The two good ones will get $50. Let's go!


Everswap buy DYOR


Some shillers shill. But you DYOR!

Check this post too.

Solana Stable pool


Meet the first stablecoin on Solana! Highlights:

Saber is announcing an integration with Terra to launch the first TerraUSD (UST) stable pool on Solana. Starting today, users will be able to trade UST and earn yield by supplying liquidity to the UST-USDC pool.

For initial launch, we’ll be using Wrapped UST bridged over from Ethereum via Wormhole. Once the Terra Wormhole bridge is completed, we plan to migrate liquidity over to the Terra-originated version of UST.

Here you'll find the info.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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