Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #90, 01 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem Dentist. Edition #90

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Gem City Dentists made an address to the Gem nation. They asked citizens never to try to eat gems because they are so big so they hurt their teeth. Gem Dentists CEO Mr. Healthy Teeth stated, that Gem Citizens should take care of their health.

Our Telegram and Twitter won't eat gems, they give them to you! It's not a fast food, but it's fast, because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Skyward Finance.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ QREDO sale on Coinlist;

2️⃣ Decubate IDO on TronPAD WL - up to 06.07.

Postpone! But remember. (Dexlab)

Ooops! I did it again

Let's start this Digest here. Dexlab has postponed the token distribution and listing date. Now it's July 30.

On July 12 they will conduct an AMA and answer all your questions. So let's wait and follow.

The medium post? Here! And we continue.

1inch is your teacher today

Stake Stake Stake

1inch Network will tell show you how to stake in 1 minute and 22 seconds.

DYOR! But if you are a staking master, why not try?

CMC gonna SWAP

swap swap swap

Okay, you can try to swap here. Tell us about your experience later! Alles Gut?

👾 Don't worry, we are $HAPI!

we are!

Check the tweet and love us! 💜


Good for you!

Akash Network has increased Validator nodes to 75. Oh yes! You can read yourself.

Some Twitter Streets whisper, that Validators and nodes are new hype. So try it? DYOR ofc.



FUD or TRUTH? No matter, if you DYOR.

Coinbase Support

No emails


That's all for now! See you tomorrow, #Moni Maker!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


Join 25,000+ crypto founders, speculators and researchers.

Another Stuff