Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #86, 26 June 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem Heat. Edition #86

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

It's a Gem Heat in Gem City today. Citizens have so many gems, that temperature reached ATH. Almost +39 gems celsius! Gem City Hall suggests wear Gem Caps and drink more Gem Water. Also, citizens can send some gems to homeless people in ICO City. A decrease in the number of gems can decrease the temperature.

Our Telegram and Twitter will help you to survive! They have cold gems with a really fast delivery. Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Polypulsar Farming Start.

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Iagon IDO on Occam WL - up to 26.06.

2️⃣ Solrise Finance IEO on FTX WL - up to 28.06.

Railgun June 30

Rain GUN

Digest, start here!

Railgun interacts with DeFi, DEX and payments with privacy, on ETH, on-chain. So! Its token and the project itself will be launched this June, 30.


What’s Railgun & Why is it Special?

With Railgun every on-chain activity will be protected and hidden from the outside world. Users of Railgun will be able to:

– Anonymously and privately interact with dApps and DEXes liquidity.

– Access dark pool trading style which protects trading strategies from outsiders

Check more details here!

Alchemist like Skyrim

Popsicle like IceCream

Cool collaboration we see here, wow! Also

Check the thread above. And we continue!

NFT from Jay Z

Will it cheat up Beyonce too?

Sorry for titles, but they are funny.

Anyway, such attention to NFTs can show increasing interest. DYOR, as always!

Funds...where are you going?

Dove Mountain Weekly #6

The report shows some companies that funds were investing in for the last time.

Examples: Orion Money ($1.7M), Decentral Games ($5M), TRM Labs ($14M) and so on.

Here is the link. You know what to do. DYOR!

Uniswap v3 protocols



Let's finish here. Have a great weekend! PUMPS are coming, we hope so...See you on Monday, #Moni Maker.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff