Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #182, 05 November 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City will work with Bitcoin City! Edition №182

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

Gem City DAO announced today that it will work with Bitcoin City DAO to mine new Gems. As a reminder, Bitcoin City was called New York City before the Great Mass Adoption.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to have Gems even in Bank City! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Bootstrapping Pool (BLBP) for the Merit Circle DAO. End Date: 2PM UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

DROPS are looking for testers!

Maybe they need you?

Digest loves testnets!

DROPS, aka the NFT lending platform, have announced an upcoming testnet and...an opportunity to get involved!

How the process will go:

- First, there will be a testnet.

- Then, there will be an audit.

- And then the mainnet will come out!

DROPS will use their dNFT and dTokens to provide NFT loans. Long story short, for NFT followers, this is a much-needed thing.

You can apply here. It's painfully simple: Name, TG, Email, etc. You can do it without us. And remember that sometimes testers get a tasty slice of pie :)

Let there be a testnet. And we continue!

Let's go to the PRG at Play-To-Earn, SHILL we?


Games-games-games, there are so many, and you have to pick one game, don't you agree?

Gem Hunters brought us Project SEED, a blockchain-based PRG game from AAA Game Studio. The game's appeal is not only for blockchain enthusiasts but also for people who don't know much about your blockchains.

What else can we highlight?

- The game will be on mobiles;

- There's a $SHILL token (great name!), which you can use for staking, governance, and in-game purchases.

IDO is coming on the 9th, and the guys already have a whitelist you can try to get into. Achtung! The whitelist closes today, so get your superhero ass up and fill in the blanks.

See you at PVP wars :) And here's some info on the token, the game and the funny trailer. Enjoy!

UPD. Whitelist is closed :( But you can DYOR on it anyway!

Beep-Beep, B.Protocol will kill GasWars, baby?


We can't leave you without a good review on good projects! So today we will explore the B.Protocol world:

– What value does B.Protocol have for you?

– They will kill GasWars?

– You will be able to make more profits?

Dive into the Medium post and catch the info like a crab!

Three of the strongest


ETH, Solana, Polkadot renewed their ATH.

ETH - $4,674

SOL - $237

Polkadot - $55

Do you HODL anything?

Landing on the Ninneko Whitelist, guys, go!


Ninneko came to us in Gem City. It's an NFT Play-To-Earn toy, an RPG on BSC. It runs on LaunchZone.

The tokens are:

- $NINO and $MATA - both for gameplay, the other for earning too.

The IDO itself is today! 13:45 UTC on LaunchZone.

Come on, DYOR the game. PVP or what? Whitelist or what, huh?!

Delete the F@CKING stickers!

We brought you some presents

*sound of clinking glasses* huh?! Are you still working? Ha! Get off your ass and celebrate with us. We got our stickers.

We decided to put all your f@cking life into this sticker pack: rugs, pumps, rekts, love, anger, Moni Talks...that's what Davinci used to make his stuff for, so evolution gave us this sticker pack.

Right now, please drop by the chat room, send in your favourite sticker from the pack and tell us which sticker to add! There's an exciting story waiting for you...


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff