Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #179, 02 November 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City is opposed to bankanization. Edition №179

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

Today, the Gem City DAO condemned Bank City's proposal to designate all cryptocurrency companies as bank agents. As a reminder, the Mayor of Bank City said that many citizens use the services of Gem City-based companies, thereby undermining the city's old economy model. The Gem City DAO has proposed an airdrop of NFT tickets among Bank City residents so that they can move to a modernized city instead of living in this old bank-agent crap.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to Gems were available for everyone! And remember…

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Bootstrapping Pool (BLBP) for the Merit Circle DAO - 14:00 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

Didn't forget about GooseFX there?

do not miss

Digest loves whitelists and token distribution!

Anyway, Inspector Gadget from DeFi aka GooseFX has already closed its whitelist. Oh, not even just closed, but there will be a token distribution today!

So on the facts:

– GooseFX;

- Token Distribution;

- It was at 14:00 UTC.

Here's the link, don't miss it!

And we continue.

The Squid Game played the Scam Game


Well, the SQUID GAME token, which pumped to $2856 for a week, dropped to zero. The users couldn't get the dough out of Pancake, which is why the token went up.

Here you can watch the guy yell and look at the scam live.

Ethereum has already burned 3B in bucks!

Burn mother**** BURN

Since the launch of the London update, we've burned $3 billion Ethereum!

You can watch the fire of the crypto inquisition right here.

Facebook pumped MANA

new Elon Musk?

The prices of crypto metaverse tokens are soaring as much as 100% in the wake of Thursday’s news that Facebook was rebranding to ‘Meta’ in a bid to “bring the metaverse to life”.

MANA, the token powering the browser-based video game Decentraland–a kind of hybrid of Minecraft and Second Life–was trading for $3.39, up 100% from the day before.

Now the token met a little dump, $3,10.

1inch and the movie Raven


Do you remember the legendary 1994 movie Raven? (a man's sorrowful tear flowed)

The guys from 1inch made 20 NFTs that really look cool, a la the main character from "The Crow", and decided to cast them.

10 NFTs with Anton Bukov, 10 NFTs with Sergei Kuntz. We hope you have Twitter, the conditions are simple: Follow + like + RT.

Polkadot is waiting for your vote


Polkadot announced that they are changing the brand identity, but it's not clear which way. But who else is going to decide this if not the community? It turns out that if you have a DOT in your wallet, you can get involved.

It's four days until voting ends, you make it in time. Voting is decentralized, your vote really matters.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff