Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #178, 01 November 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City celebrates Whitepaper's Birthday! Edition №178

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

Ah, it's been a long time coming! Today, Gem City DAO is celebrating the Bitcoin Whitepaper's birthday. Citizens have had a week of flash mobs in Decetraland in honour of this celebration.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to we could celebrate BTC Whitepaper’'s birthday till we die! And remember...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Solend - IDO;

2️⃣ GAIA – 15:00 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

Apes from HAPEBEAST are spreading the style


Digest loves cool NFTs!

HAPEBEAST. 8000 unique 3D NFTs, built on the Ape metaverse. Let's start with your eyes – website looks like the most stylish and popular rapper, f*ck you Drake!

The team answered on "Will you make giveaways?" positively. They are not monsters, but Hapes. The party is going on Discord, 100k+ members on a board!

Also, the founder is Digi, a.k.a. Matt Sypien, founder of Digimental Studio London.

The drop will come this December,devs are speaking about the upcoming whitelist and asking for your feedbacks.

Get your DYOR-machine ready and let's DYOR

And we continue!

Warriors are getting ready to swing in Gaia!


A couple of days ago, we told you about Gaia, the Mass Effect engine game.

Seedify rolled out a tweet in which they talked about the $GAIA token. More specifically, its functions:

- Buying loot and lands in Gaia EverWorld

- Any purchases in the EverWorld Marketplace

- Voting

- Staking

We hope you remember about IGO?

They will conduct it on November 1 at 15:00 UTC right here.

Token price: $0.16

Terms: TGE 25% and then 25% every month

All the details are here.

Anyway, dive into the Telegram chat room to ask your questions. The hike is near; take a break for a day and get ready!

Akash is racing on a roadmap


Our deaarrrr Akash has rolled out a roadmap, aka plans, all the way to almost the end of 2022.

In 2022, we'll see:

– Unbounded Network Bandwidth

Once this is done, the apps on Akash will show more: more opportunities for users and developers.

– Incentivized Auditors

Auditors will be more interested in working with Akash. So the marketplace itself and the apps on it will be better checked.

– UI Component Library

This library will allow devs to write beautiful websites without being designers.

– GPU Marketplace

This marketplace will allow developers at Akash to explore new directions: AI/machine learning, proof-of-work and so on.

Anyway, Akash is expanding and scaling up. If you want to know all the stations where the Akash train will stop, welcome to read the roadmap :)

Fantom looking out the porthole window?


Long Story Short. Harry, aka the managing director of Fantom, has announced the CEX with the ability to use the Binance liquidity.

It launches in 2021 Q4. What you can do with this info? DYOR, of course!

I bought CryptoPunk and…


Twitter streets don't sleep. loomlock.eth has a funny thread. He started by buying CryptoPunk #9998 for 124,457 ETH ($532M USD).

"This was the largest ever on-chain NFT sale in USD, so I knew I had to go for it and make history"

But instead of a thread, loomlock blurted out - "FUCK FUCK FUCK I THOUGHT IT WAS USD NOT ETH FUCK @VitalikButerin HELP ME"

And how do you go crazy with crypto?

Operation Altair is a success

Altair Assassin's ETH

Altair is the third Ethereum update in seven months. And so far, the only one that goes absolutely smoothly. Yes, yes, don't be surprised, Ethereum had an update on Wednesday.

According to Pooja Ranjan, head of Ethereum Cat Herders, "Altair was deployed with over 95% validators during the update." All in all, people took the time to upgrade and run the latest software that connects them to the Ethereum network. Well, and this is very important for network security.

By the way, ETH broke through ATH today. Cool, wow.

We got you a unicorn here


Project Alchemy is an Asian company that is a blockchain infrastructure provider.

A16z led a $250 million funding round. Do you see how serious this is? By the way, they're already valued at $3.5 billion. wow, cool.

In fact, the company's already partnered with OpenSea, Dapper Labs, Axie. That means what? Gotta watch it, yeah.

Ethereum presses GAS


The average transaction fee on Ethereum is soaring at $51.45, according to data from crypto metrics site BitInfoCharts. The figures show an increase of 2,293% since late June.

What we have:

– Ethereum's 'Altair' upgrade went live on Wednesday;

– Altair facilitates the network's transition to Ethereum 2.0;

– Demand for Ethereum is surging right now.

The question is...how much you spent on Gas?!

What did we put in our portfolio?


Heh. And we bought NEAR for a hundred $. The portfolio of a true True Crypto bro-degen-spaceman.

On this fine Friday evening, why don't you tell us which coin to pick up in two weeks? Drop by the chat room and advise us!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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