Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #175, 27 October 2021

Degen Stuff: Gem City wants stickers. Edition №175

With SpacemindShare

👾 Hey Moni Maker

Today, the Gem City DAO recognized that it is difficult for citizens to communicate in chats without their stickers. That's why the DAO decided to make stickers for Gem City urgently. The launch of their sticker pack is scheduled for next week.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter to have Gems even in the stickers! And remember…

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ ETH Public – PlayBoy.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ The Defiant Terminal whitelist;

2️⃣ DOSE IDO whitelist;

3️⃣ Moonbeam crowdloan registration. Start at Nov 11.

4️⃣ Bit Country Early Access - form.

Beta Finance throws retroactive drops on food for cat


Digest loves drops, airdrops and so on. But something went wrong here...

Put all your f@cking business aside and listen here. Beta Finance is Binance Lunchpad's project, and it came out in with good X's.

Everything was great until... the guys gave out retroactive drops. Mr. Crypto aka Cobie swears on Twitter that he got a few bucks. The Twitter streets are singing in unison angry romances to Beta, too.

Long Story Short, crypto ppl didn't appreciate the handout on the cat food.

Buy cat food. (your drop is not enough anyway)

And we continue!

GooseFX - DeFi Inspector Gadget?


Our Gem-Hunters bring an exciting thing to the table. Imagine what would happen if we mixed Solana, DeFi, farming, NFT marketplaces, derivatives, and tokenized stocks? Here is it - GooseFX.

Sounds cool! Especially considering that SOL broke ATH yesterday. GooseFX promises to make DeFi and NFT trading easy and convenient, all in one place and on Solana.

The guys have a whitelist opening today. Oh, sry..it's already open. So unpack your DYOR machines and jump in. Let's see how it goes together, yo!

NFTzation of the World!


We locked our NFT maniac in the basement and make him write Digests on the NFT world. We give him one slice of bread for each review, so the man's life is in your hands.

Press: Is Reddit following Facebook and Twitter? Who are the Fancy Birds? What's up with Flow? Digest is an aesthete!

CoinList raised money

Coins Lists

CoinList has raised $100 million in Series A funding, bringing CoinList’s valuation to $1.5 billion.

The round is co-led by early CoinList backer, Accomplice, alongside Agman. Also participating are funds and individuals reflecting CoinList’s global audience. Funds include Access Ventures, Alphemy Capital, Broadhaven Ventures, Continue Capital, CMT Digital, DFG, FBG Capital, Fenbushi Capital, executives from GoldenTree Asset Management, Hack VC, HashKey Capital, Jsquare, LD Capital, Metaplanet, Perpetual Value Partners, Rising Tide Fund, and Taavet+Sten.

we really want to write something about mulltiaccs but we won't do it plz

How was the ArtWallet ride?

100 X's!

Dear passenger, did you get carsick? Today we rode the IDO ArtWallet. Project made 100x and the token has already learned the beauty of the listing.

Ticker: 1ART.

– Coinmarketcap

– Сoingecko

– DexTools

– Poocoin

BSC Contract: 0xD3c325848D7c6E29b574Cb0789998b2ff901f17E

And... PancakeSwap is here!

ETHLisbon, give us something cool plz

DYOR is gut

Twitter account defiprime as a Gem Hunter in this Gem movie! Guys gave us some cool projects from #ETHLisbon.


– Proof Of Membership;

– CredAAVE;

– Profolio.

The full list is living in this Twitter thread. DYOR!

NEAR to the m800n!


NEAR may set the record among all blockchains for the largest grant fund of $800mn, of which:

- $250 million in ecosystem grants.

- A regional fund of $100 million.

- $100 million specifically for startups.

- In addition, DeFi is a major focus of the program with $350 million allocated from Proximity Labs. The newly formed "DeFi DAO" will oversee where these funds are spent.

Also, NEAR broke ATH yesterday. Wanna watch it?

What if Elon Musk tweeted about Moni Talks?


We would have such numbers you see on the meme. Btw, for now we have less. A little bit :)

But we have a great chat you can dive into and communicate with us and crypto cats! Discuss IDO, NFT, DeFi and all that stuff. Let's chat!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff