Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #141, 08 September 2021

Degen Stuff: Are NFT forever? Edition №141

With SpacemindShare

Hey Moni Maker

Today, Gem City citizens made a rally on NFTs. They ask for the holiday from NFT drops. Citizens are tired and want to sleep, but NFT rase doesn't want to stop.

Follow our Telegram and Twitter and we will bring you many cool NFT project while you are sleeping! Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ DYDX Airdrop unlock 15:00 UTC;

2️⃣ Immutable X Sale on CoinList;

3️⃣ BlockArt NFT, 14:00 UTC.

Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ Thetan Arena Polkastarter Whitelist - up to 12.09.

Is Cardano a new Avalanche?

Just imagine

Digest loves to make suggestions! Go!

Soon, Sept 12, Cardano will meet a fork. This fork can become a reasons of the projects rising on thos blockchain.

Take a look at Vent. Join this bot to participate in airdrop, ok?

And we continue!

dYdX, well you finally made it!


Tonight at 15:00 UTC dYdX will give drops away!

Go to the link above and write in the chat, how many rewards you got. And then brag! Or stay sad :)

P.S. Also Huobi will list dYdX at the same time. 15:00 UTC.

Do you want to swap on Avalanche?


Sometimes we bring cool projects to you here, in these Digest. Now we can show you the Avalanche Swap Car. It's here.

As always, DYOR and DYOR. Please!

The new world is a shit

twitter thread about NFTs

Racconn is talking about the NFT world and why it became worse.

" All raccoons are dead now, and you - the "NFT community" were the ones who killed them" (c) Interesing?

How to outplay NFT?

Easy easy!

Yes yes, we didn't post Twitter threads for a long time. That's why the second one is here.

Based on the projects Sevens that was minted yesterday.

Fees are safu

always are

Use this tool to check priority fee and max fee. Thank us later!


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff