Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #106, 21 July 2021

Degen Stuff: Civil War in ETH City? Edition #106

With SpacemindShare

Hey #Moni Maker 🐸

Today, Gem City Major stated, that Gem Army is ready to help ETH City hodl preserve law and order. Let us remind you, that some months ago ETH City miners started a Civil War because of low ETH fees. After mass adoption, nobody paid for the gas, and the high fee problem was fixed.

Our Telegram and Twitter will never attack anyway, but your brain with gems only. Because...

We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni.

Let’s start our daily show! Guests, come in!

🎊 Actual Events!

The world will be destroyed if you miss them

1️⃣ Maple Finance Staking will begin on July 22;

2️⃣ Blocto TGE token distribution;

📧 Whitelists to follow!

Mr White

1️⃣ CoinBurn IDO on PolkaStarter WL - up to 22.07;

Really cool project


A great way to start this Digest!

We've found a cool tool! Catch it right here! UniWhales DAO will help track info about tokens, follows, whale moves and all that stuff.

Anyway, check it out. There's a free version for now.

And we continue!

NFT Avatars that are not Avatars

lol wat

Mr NFT Blogger Matty provided us a Twitter thread speaking about NFT projects that can be used not only for speculations or cool pics.

They are: CyberKongz, VoxiesNFT and so on. Find more in the thread!

Everything goes online?

Races lol


Virtually Human Studio (VHS) has raised a $20M USD Series A round, to rapidly accelerate its leading platform development in the NFT space. The round was led by TCG with participation from Andreessen Horowitz and Red Beard Ventures.

VHS was founded in 2018 by a small team of tech innovators from Australia. Through strategic development and partnership, the immersive digital experience company is now pioneering the sports and entertainment world with the creation of the virtual horse racing platform ZED RUN.

Here you'll know more about ZED Run. Anyway, it's crazy!

Whroom Whroom motherf*cker

MotoGp, still here ?

Do love NFT sports cards? We think you do. So now you can trade MotoGp on viv3:



Good luck, racer!


check check check

Go here and check, maybe you got an airdrop from NODEdrop?

It's for every donor that donated more than 1 USD.

Hardfork Is Coming

Support hard-working Ethereum Miners.

A real Civil War. Miners versus EIP1559. On this website, they call pools to support them in the fight against EIP1559 and fees burning.

But NFTs are with EIP1559

Some of them yes

Okay. The EIP-1559 NFT Series is coming. Let's explore it!


Shaping Positive Outcomes

Despite recent progress, challenges remain for the maintainers of Ethereum Public Goods. The people who choose to work on them often have a very high opportunity cost and limited methods available to capture the upside from their work.

EIP-1559 is a great example of this. It was an incredibly complex change, the largest done on Ethereum mainnet to date, which will improve both the user experience and economics of the entire network. And yet, the engineers, researchers, and other contributors will not directly capture any of the ultimate benefit to network.

The 1559 Supporter Series has 1559 editions, each priced at .1559 ETH. These will forever act as a show of support for the people who delivered EIP-1559.

The full text is here.


See you later!

⚽️: Telegram and Twitter!


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Another Stuff