Today, in 2001, at 01:46:40 GMT, the clock counted down the billionth second of the UNIX era, which began at midnight on January 1, 1970 - this is when Unix-systems count down the "internal" time. It is important for people to have a reference point in everything; for example, our favorite one is January 3, 2009, when the genesis block of the Bitcoin network was generated.
Have you heard about anything more popular than DeFi lately? Neither did we. But in fact, the interest of private investors remains at low levels, we checked it with Google Trends.
If we compare searches of "ICO" to "DeFi", Google scores 18 points. Simply speaking, new investors don't demonstrate such interest in DeFi, as in the ICO times.
Let's dive a bit deeper. First of all, many fans of DeFi don't even understand it. Remember 2017 (ICO boom), when investors followed a quite simple speculative scheme: invest – gain – cash out. DeFi is more difficult for the average person to grasp.
Second of all, it's not cosher to compare ICOs and DeFi, because no matter how much of a correlation we would like to see, the cryptocurrency market is unpredictable. Anyway, that's exactly what we love it for..
Third, if we compare ICO and DeFi, the scheme above gives a lot of advantages. Before the "bursting" of the bubble is still fa-a-a-a-r.
Just Eat France food delivery service began to accept Bitcoin payments in more than 15,000 restaurants around the country. The payment provider is Bitpay.
Just Eat is the largest food delivery player in France, and this step can attract a huge audience to cryptocurrency.
While investors are arguing whether DeFi is a bubble or not, Bitcoin doesn't capture highs only, but also stomachs.
We used to wonder if mass adoption is coming. Now we are wondering when it will be :)
A world with the opportunity to pay for any service with Bitcoin is a beautiful World!
ETH miners made a profit of $285 million in August, which is the highest figure in the last two years. At the same time, ETH miners have received a 40% profit from transaction fees.
For example, in May, the figure was 10%. Analysts associate the growth of its values with the Yield Farming trend and the DeFi boom.
Are you a math genius? No? Then we will do the maths ourselves: 40% of $285 million is $114 million, and this is JUST COMMISSIONS. Keep that in mind next time you withdraw USDT!
Well, DeFi has such potential that there's nothing wrong with paying considerable fees; after all, we're supporting crypto, not a fat banker.
Analytical company Chainalysis has published a new report on the use of cryptocurrency in the world. The top three leaders include Ukraine, Russia, and Venezuela.
Residents of these countries are the most active users of crypto in the world. China and the USA are still the leaders by transaction volumes.
Guys, you know we are from Russia, and it's important to be careful with words here. Being on top of the Chainalysis list means having a strong demand for financial freedom and IT-related activity. That's our take.
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