Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #408, 15 February 2022



Hey Moni Maker  🚛

Today, in 1995, Kevin Mitnick, the social engineer who hacked into the Pentagon's computer network, was arrested in the US. Mitnick did his time and has become a social engineering icon, a god of hacking "through the human element". Kevin is now a cybersecurity consultant. We wish all scammers to one day discover the depths of the hole they've fallen into and finally start contributing to society instead of destroying it. 

Let's go!


Canadian truckers won't get crypto?

Things are getting hotter and hotter! For the first time, the Canadian government has invoked the Emergency Situations Act in an attempt to limit the flow of funds to truck drivers who are protesting against the country's COVID-19 restrictions.

Long story short: truckers have come out against the restrictions. This protest is called the Freedom Convoy. The government has blocked all their fundraising accounts. Truckers turned to the bitcoin. Now the authorities are trying to block bitcoin as well. 

We will not quote them; it's blah, blah, blah. By the way, Elon himself recently intervened on behalf of the truckers. What do you think about it?  


The bitcoin game

On 9 March, there will be a presidential election in South Korea. So? So the funny thing is that South Korea is so digital that about 10% of the population owns cryptocurrency and the internet usage rate is 96.5%.

Well, since housing prices are exorbitant and you want your box, many young Koreans under 24 LVL (earning about $2,200, by the way) have turned to stocks and crypto.

Against this backdrop, all the presidential candidates have said they are friendly towards crypto. They haven't offered anything concrete yet, but the ice, as they say, has already been broken.

It seems that if adequate regulation is adopted, South Korea has a good chance of becoming the first cryptocurrency train to do so.



REKT. It means you're screwed. Refers to those who have suffered severe financial losses due to improper trading or investment. It can also refer to the asset itself, which is rapidly losing value.

And more you can find in our Glossary!



And you...buy Bitcoin! (it's a good time!) 


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