Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #343, 05 November 2021

The story "BTC and Mayor"


📕 Hey Moni Maker

Today is Tsunami Awareness Day all over the world. Yes, a tsunami is a terrifying thing! When you're driving somewhere out of town, with crappy cell phone reception, and your phone shows a 3% charge...that's usually when the market gets stormy! Alts are dropping; projects are scamming; you are nervously trying to catch a connection and set stops...

Tsunamis are scary, yes. And the best way to survive them is to read Digests. Let's go!

New York City isn't Liberty City anymore, it's Bitcoin City?

The mayor stole the idea!

Democrat Eric Adams won election Tuesday as the next mayor of New York City, and he’s already leaning into campaign promises about embracing cryptocurrency once he takes office. One part of that, it appears, is being paid in Bitcoin.

“In New York we always go big, so I’m going to take my first THREE paychecks in Bitcoin when I become mayor,” Adams tweeted this afternoon. “NYC is going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other fast-growing, innovative industries! Just wait!”

So what?

The Gem City DAO is extremely positive about the movements of the mayor of New York City. Let's just hope they won't be populist, eh?

Hey hey, another drop in Ethereum

rich again...

I wonder who this drop is for. And it will be for those who have the address.ETH. More precisely, the domain on Ethereum.

Maybe one of our subscribers made it, maybe for fun. Then wait for the drop next week.

And tokens will be distributed by ENS domain, a platform which gives out domains in Ethereum. They decided to make their own DAO and token. So not only do you get ENS tokens, but you get a ticket to DAO. Cool.

Beep-Beep, B.Protocol will kill GasWars, baby?


We can't leave you without a good review on good projects! So today we will explore the B.Protocol world:

– What value does B.Protocol have for you?

– They will kill GasWars?

– You will be able to make more profits?

Dive into the Medium post and catch the info like a crab!

Loopring is looking for the moon


There is such a token Loopring, it grew, yep. 200% in a week, by the way, but why (why didn't you buy it earlier?)

Rumor has it that Ethereum will be partnering with GameStop, supposedly they're going into NFT. That's a pretty obvious development, by the way.

And there has been speculation that it will be Loopring that will be used as Layer 2. Anyway, GameStop is growing, ETH is growing, Loopring is growing. And your portfolio is growing?

Delete the F@CKING stickers!

We brought you some presents

*sound of clinking glasses* huh?! Are you still working? Ha! Get off your ass and celebrate with us. We got our stickers.

We decided to put all your f@cking life into this sticker pack: rugs, pumps, rekts, love, anger, Moni Talks...that's what Davinci used to make his stuff for, so evolution gave us this sticker pack.

Right now, please drop by the chat room, send in your favourite sticker from the pack and tell us which sticker to add! There's an exciting story waiting for you...

Glossary word

Learn, learn, learn!

Cold storage is a physical software for storing cryptocurrencies.

And more you can find in our Glossary!

Meme of the Day


And you...buy Bitcoin! (it's a good time!)


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Another Stuff