Daily Crypto NewsEDITION #595, 21 September 2022

They hear the UST echoes in the USA


Hey Moni Maker 🤓

Today, in 1937, a classic was born! The book The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, by Mr Tolkien. The most extraordinary moment in the book is when Gandalf warns dwarves not to turn off the path, but they, succumbing to their weakness, fall for the illusion of spiders...

Better to read it yourself, but the meaning of this scene was that if you chose the path, follow it. Don't back down, don't listen to anyone, and don't give in to temptation. It's the same in crypto, isn't it? If you've decided to invest, do it without regard for the greed of others. 

Let's go! 


Echoes of UST heard in the USA

We have kept silent all this time, occasionally satiating your media hunger for news about Do Kwon and his proceedings. Why is that? Because fuc(oops, the word was built by the Terra team, that's why it's deppeged)... 

But now comes exciting news from Bloomberg. Really interesting. And they are concerned about a complete ban of algorithmic stablecoins, such as UST, for two years. 

There's a big crypto law being drafted in the U.S. right now. And this ban is part of that law. The leaders of the House Financial Services Committee, of course, are still in discussions, but... in short, we're watching. 

The funny thing is that Justin *ANONS* Sun made USDD, which is the image and likeness of UST... 

Who will get the Moni Twitter Bot first?

Hey, Gem City! Ok, let these noiconers waste your time with shitty posts. We'll go to the topic rn.

– This/Next week, we'll run the Moni Twitter Bot

– To get the opportunity to use it first and for free plz check this post 

– This week, we'll tell you more about our plans like alpha reports and...and something more :) 

But as for now, citizens think about the Moni Twitter Bot only

Yes, we'd like to create the best bot for Twitter following and alpha researching. That's why we decided to launch a new competition: 

– ❤️ this post 

– Join our chat and share your ideas on how you will use the Moni Twitter Bot. Whom you'll follow and so on

– Two of the most inspiring answers will get this bot for free for one month

And yes, no bot ruffles anymore. So get your chance! 


They have NFT day; we have JPEG day

Press: NFT Day! DYOR on Depressed Citizens and other collections in search of x's. Digest is an aesthete!  

Check this Digest on Telegram or on the website


ENS domains: how to trade; what to pay attention to

Okay, we’ve found one unique Twitter thread that can help you to go deeper into the ENS world. 

– The ENS story

– How can you trade them (except OpenSea and so on)

– What domains are underdogs? 

Check the thread on Twitter



Airdrop - Is a free distribution of project tokens. As a rule, projects make airdrops for early users. Examples: 1inch and Uniswap.

And more you can find in our Glossary!


More news?! 

– U.S. Treasury Department, asks the public to speak out about cryptocurrency crimes

– Why investors aren't happy with Ether after the merge

– Vitalik Buterin shared his ideas about the upcoming Layer 3 blockchain scalingShare

– Better Business Bureau warns about cryptoscam in Tiktok

– India's largest crypto exchange WazirX delists USDC


meme of the DAY    

    ⚽️: Telegram and Twitter! And do not forget to download the Moni App :)      


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