News28 September 2022

Mastercard will allow transferring NFTs to its physical cards


The giant among payment systems has decided to add a feature to put NFTs on your physical card. So your bored monkey or bird from Moonbird will be able to show off on your credit card, remarkable? 

Only NFT items from select blue chip collections will support the feature, subject to Mastercard's design standards and owner verification process.

NFT blue chips (blue chips), in case you didn't know, are not interchangeable tokens of the most notable projects. Like BAYC, Moonbirds, cryptopunks, and so on. Well, we hope you understood :D.

Jpg-embellished debit cards became available thanks to a partnership with the European cryptocurrency exchange platform hi on Monday, allowing its gold members to personalize their debit cards with the NFTs they own.

By the way, the fact that you own that NFT will still have to be verified. 

Mastercard's vice president of cryptocurrency and fintech, Christian Rau, said that because of consumers' growing interest in NFTs and cryptocurrencies, the payments provider is "committed to making them an affordable payment choice for those communities that want to use them."

Well, in short, if anything, people in the major payment systems are already aware that NFTs have hit everyone, and banning them is like shooting yourself in the foot, hoping to run a marathon. In the meantime, better download our Moni app so you can keep track of your jpegs and don't miss their pampers! 


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