News12 October 2022

A metaverse open to interaction will be better for everyone - Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg stated that Meta would not be built alone. A complete transition to Web3 is also planned.

Last October, Meta, the rebranded parent company of Facebook and Instagram, unveiled its grand plan for a future immersive internet, the metaverse. 

Since then, we've already seen Meta's 60 percent decline. Some Web3 creators were wary of Meta's role in building the metaverse, expecting the company to create another closed ecosystem.

But apparently, regular bullying from users has motivated the company to renounce the "corporation all by itself." And become more open to its audience. 

"I firmly believe that an open, interacting metaverse, created by many different developers and companies, will be better for everyone," Mark Zuckerberg said.

Of course, this is not the same as saying unequivocally that Facebook's meta-universe will be built on blockchain technology, work with NFT assets created on public blockchain platforms such as Ethereum and Solana, or support cryptocurrencies. 

But it is an admission that Meta does not call itself the sole and main creator of the metaverse, and this statement also shows a lack of ambition to monopolize the field. At least, Meta wants to seem as such.

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