News10 September 2022

White House promotes green mining policy


According to reports from the U.S. White House, cryptocurrency technologies, specifical mining, are not environmentally friendly. In most cases, they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, noise, and other local impacts. This directly impedes the federal agency's efforts to achieve zero carbon pollution.

The White House Office of Science and Technology responded in its report to President Joe Biden's executive order on the challenges and opportunities for crypto-assets to address energy and climate change in the United States.

The key recommendations in the report relate to ensuring the reliability of energy supplies and getting the personal information of crypto-asset miners and electric companies to remain confidential so that the feds can assess the energy and climate impacts of crypto-assets.

It smells a little unhealthy, especially at the thought of getting miners' personal information. Although the cryptocurrency community claims that cryptocurrency mining is excellent for the environment, the White House report says that more than 100 million new storage devices will be connected to the power grid by 2040, forcing the country to switch to 100 percent renewable energy sources. 

The report noted that between 120 and 240 billion kilowatt-hours a year are gobbled up by mining farms and various Asics, "a range that exceeds the total annual electricity consumption of many individual countries, such as Argentina or Australia. This equals 0.4% to 0.9% of the world's annual electricity consumption."

In the end, one thing that remains unclear is how personal information about miners can help a country get to zero emissions. Wait a minute, though...


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