News31 August 2022

The unknown person may be manipulating Axie Infinity's largest p2e project through ownership of 50% of the tokens


Surprisingly, the whale wallet that holds half of the project's tokens belongs neither to Axie Infinity nor Sky Mavis.

It turns out pretty funny, the whale wallet, based on statements and other factors, does not belong to the Axie Infinity project itself, in which you can earn them, nor to the company that owns Axie.

The wallet itself holds 22 billion SLP tokens, and that's over $85 million! The wallet was brought to the attention of co-founder Michael Benko back on August 25th of this year.

"The value of a wallet with so many SLPs, if it's an individual, gives it tremendous control over the economy, especially in an economy where it's so hard to mine a token," Michael stated. If you used to be able to earn 20 SLP per roll in 2-3 minutes in the game, now with a good rating, it's about 1-3 SLP in 10+ minutes. So you caught the idea, right? :D.

Originally, Benko suggested that the wallet was "some kind of system that Axie Infinity created to automatically distribute SLPs to players who earned them." But the operations department said that was impossible and that all of the SLP tokens in circulation were created solely by the players.

With so many tokens, this wallet can manipulate the market, including going against the natural behavior of the market, dropping and raising the price. This puts the tokenomics of the Axie Infinity project in the hands of the unknown.

If you trace the transactions, the sender side was Binance addresses, at this point, a message was sent to them asking them to explain whether it was their address or their user's. So far, there is no comment from the exchange, and the address does not look like an official one from Binance.


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