News10 October 2022

NFT sales down 90% since March 2022


Since January 2022, non-fungible tokens' sales have been falling steadily. The sharp decline in market euphoria can be traced back to March.

In January of this year, there was $4.77 billion worth of NFT-tokens sold, while the latest data is for September - $549.82 million worth of NFT-tokens were sold.

Which is down 88%, well, compared to January. For December-January, if we refer to Google Trends (the kind of thing that shows user queries on Google), worldwide, the term "NFT" scored the highest that a search query can get in the Google trends database - 100.

In fact, such a simple tool can show uptrends because it directly reflects the popularity of an issue in society.

May was the last month with $3.18 billion in NFT sales. The following month saw a significant drop to $879 million; in July, NFT sales were $682 million. 

In the first week of October 2022, NFT sales were $105.22 million because of 191,175 unique customers. The 30-day figures show that the top seller among collections was the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, which sold for $30,964,305 last month.

To keep track of your NFT collections and, more specifically, how they will grow sooner rather than later - download Moni! Crypto Tracker for the People - click


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