News14 September 2022

Half of all bitcoins in wallets are still held at a net unrealized profit


This indicator means whether or not the wallets that got it at a price at the time of purchase compared to today's price r left in the black. The number of purses "in plus and minus" has already leveled off.

Last November, the price of one coveted Bitcoin was $68,000. Since mid-June of this year, however, it has fluctuated around the $20K mark. That said, over half of the holders now have net unrealized gains.

This follows a metric on the chain called net unrealized profit or loss (NUPL). Bitcoin's unrealized profit has already fully equaled its loss. 

An "Unrealized Profit" metric is for those who have not yet sold BTC. It is a measure of whether you would have won or lost if u had sold Bitcoin at the current average market price.

That is, if u bought the BTC at $10,000 and it's now $20,000, ur unrealized profit is $10,000. We think that's clear. Even when the price of Bitcoin fell hard in March, still 60% of users were on the plus side. 

We already wrote a couple of months ago about this metric. Back then, it was above zero (that is, the majority were in the plus). By the way, this indicator is taken into account when determining whether a bear market has arrived or the falls r still due to a small drawdown. After all, as we know from the experience of past exchanges, the bottom of the bit price metric can not be higher than zero. 

On this basis, we can now say that if we r not at the bottom of the exchange market, it is certainly not far from it. And it's not too late to buy fundamental, reliable & cool projects. But again, this is not financial advice. Make your own decisions :) 

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