News06 October 2022

Former U.S. presidential candidate becomes advisor to Web-3 platform Pool Data


Former U.S. presidential candidate Andrew Young as an advisor to Pool Data, a platform that helps people monetize their data with tokens.

Pool Data's marketplace infrastructure, which includes payment rails using the stable USD coin (USDC) and consumer applications, is designed to be the foundation for so-called "data alliances" - growing communities connected to applications that take back control of and extract value from users' data. 

The steady transition from the existing Internet to a more cryptocurrency and decentralized Web3 world means that the days of surveillance economics are numbered. This idea is close to Young's heart.

"Andrew is already taking a legal rather than technological approach to data control and monetization, so Pool Data is the perfect project he can support as a base layer rather than any particular data union," Pool Data CEO Shiva Malika.


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