News31 August 2022

Ethermine mining pool presented the option to stake ETH


One of the largest mining pools allows you to give a minimum of 0.1 Ether for staking at 4.43% per year.

A well-known pool for Ethereum mining has provided an opportunity to collectively stake ETH. It's funny that in the run-up to the merger, many started to provide Ethereum-staking opportunities before it did so. For example, as we wrote before, Coinbase launched its liquid cbETH.

Another funny thing was that Ether staking through Ethermine is unavailable to US miners. The minimum u can put 0.1 ETH (about $159) Ether on staking, one like any other staking. The more u hold, the more profitable.

The rate so far is 4.43 percent a year. Not much, but on the other hand, it's Ether. It's more likely to close the platform than it is to disappear. 

When writing, users have already poured about 400 Ethers into the stake. That's over $600,000.


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