News12 September 2022

Ethereum's move to PoS makes the network more vulnerable to attack - cybersecurity expert


Although Ethereum's switch from Proof-of-work to Proof-of-stake is considered a more technological solution, the security of this type of proof-of-work raises questions.

A cybersecurity researcher explained why Proof-of-Stake is slightly less secure than Proof-of-work. The main reason was the premature sending of blocks to the validator. PoS sends information about blocks to node validators in advance, making it possible to plan attacks.

The expert asked not to give his name to the foreign media he was interviewed, so it is not fated to find out. 

"If you control two consecutive blocks, you can start an exploit on block N and end it on block N+1 without any arbitrage bot coming in and fixing the price you manipulated in between," he said.

At the same time, precisely the same attack on Proof-of-work can not be planned. If u do everything the same, we can only hope for luck. Cause the blocks r selected instantly, without planning.

To summarize, based on direct quotes, the researcher insisted that PoS may not have the same level of security. However, it is much more practical & is still super secure. "It [Proof-of-stake] is still a very secure system," a direct quote.


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