News29 July 2022

EU strained by lack of crypto experts


The European Banking Authority is facing problems hiring cryptocurrency experts. However, there isn't even a defined set of rules on how the cryptocurrency sector should operate in the EU legal framework.

The Financial Times reports that the body responsible for supervising the banking sector has severe concerns about the lack of cryptocurrency experts.

The President of the European Banking Authority has stated that the lack of staff is directly hindering the development of fundamental principles for cryptocurrency regulation, which should be ready by 2025.

In addition, Parliament recently proposed a vote to ban crypto-assets using PoW (Proof of work). But later, they rejected the proposal. What positive personnel changes can be hoped for with this attitude to the regulatory asset?

Many exchanges are trying to cooperate with states. Is it good or bad? It is hard to say. It may help establish the main principles of attitude towards cryptocurrencies, which would not hinder their development.


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