News07 September 2022

Alexander Vinnik may be extradited to Russia


With noticeable political tension between the United States and Russia, authorities are still negotiating extradition and prisoner swaps.

It's no secret that Alexander Vinnik has his own team of lawyers. In case u forgot, or even more so if u don't know, he is accused of money laundering on a huge scale. After all, he used to work for the Russian crypto exchange BTC-e.

Anyway. His team is considering a prisoner exchange with Russia because he was extradited to the United States. More specifically, this information came about because one of his lawyers called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, to negotiate with U.S. officials. The goal is to bring Alexander, a suspected Bitcoin launderer, back to his motherland.

"The only thing that can save Alexander is for the Russian Federation to enter into negotiations with the U.S. authorities as part of a prisoner exchange between said countries," according to the lawyer Frederick Belot.

If Alexander, 43, is found guilty in all cases, he faces 55 years in prison. At that age, it is equivalent to life in prison.


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