News21 March 2022

Rainbow Bridge celebrates its first anniversary


ridges are a delicate business, those who have used them know. And now the Rainbow Bridge has a joyful occasion, for which we would like to congratulate it!

Rainbow Bridge has been running unrestricted and permission-free transactions between NEAR, Ethereum and Aurora for the whole year. During that time, the number of transactions tracked has been 55070, averaging 4589 transactions per month and 151 per day.

The most transactions on ERC-20 were 21155, 31016 on Ethereum and 2899 on NEAR. The total amount of all trades is $1,135,094,211, and that's not including ERC-20 NEAR.

100,622 users and over 204,936 sessions, meaning 34156 sessions per month and 1123 per day - read more here.


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